Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More Timp cave with our geek guide Logan


Clarke and Kamie said...

man--it looks like I really missed out at BEAR WORLD!!! Bummer. I won't show these pics to Miko--she'll be mad:)
Hows the tooth???

Jeff said...

ooh! That looks so fun! Miss you guys. I am glad you are having a fun summer.

Mel said...

MELLY!!!! You have a BLOG?? What the heck? Why didn't I know? Well I'm so glad because now I can see you guys!! Guess what? Only FIVE MORE WEEKS!! YA!! Can't wait to get home! It will be so fun to be back! Anyway love your pics and I'm sad we didn't get to go to the cabin :( I've never been there. Maybe someday we can go too! Love you guys!